As is the case most Tuesdays, I worked out with some ladies from church. And yes, this is Jonathan speaking, not Sonja. You may be thinking differently of me now, but I’m a firm believer that the same workout can be an excellent fit for various people. It just has to be scaled appropriately.
When they got here, I told them we were “only” going to be doing KB swings today, which was met with a bit of disappointment initially. You see, they had always done swings as a part of their workouts, but never the whole thing. So I told them that it was my goal today to convince them that you can get a good workout by doing just swings. The key is to go heavy enough and to do enough of them. 20 minutes later, they were convinced. Here’s what we did:
15-minute countdown: 15 KB swings.
Just to be clear, that means we did 15 kettlebell swings on the minute, every minute, for 15 minutes. I used a 70#KB, Sonja used a 40#KB (she did 10 reps by my prescription, not 15), and the other ladies used 25# and 30#. Each set of 15 swings was taking about 27 seconds, which left us about 30 seconds to rest before hitting it again. The workout went surprisingly quickly, but my lower back and glutes were pretty tired after the fact. Nice, simple workout with big payoff.
My plan is to have a recovery day tomorrow, with a MetCon workout on Thursday morning before some big time, celebratory, God-exalting feasting!