I just finished a killer workout that is going to ensure that I’ll be absolutely starving right about (Thanksgiving!) dinnertime. It’s a Crossfit workout called “Cindy,” and it involves…
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of…
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Now, I’ve done this workout twice in the last year, and I completed 18 rounds and 17 rounds (plus 5 pull-ups and 15 squats) respectively. But both times I remember going super hard at the front end and being at the 12-round mark around 10 minutes, then dropping off down the stretch in frustrating fashion. Lately, I’ve been trying to be more strategic with my rest and pacing in order to net more work in the same amount of time. So today my goal was to try to do one round per minute, on the minute and set a new PR.
I’m thrilled to say, IT WAS A SUCCESS! I completed 20 rounds plus an extra 15 squats! Either I’m in significantly better shape than I was April 28 when I last did the workout, or I’m learning to work smarter so I can work harder…or both. My legs are wobbly and my chest is fatigued, but I’m going to enjoy my feasting just a little bit more.
TOMORROW I would encourage you strongly to get in a good workout after your Black Friday shopping. Not because of the guilt from today (Of course you shouldn’t feel guilty from one day of festive, celebratory excess; feel guilty if it becomes routine.), but because you’re going to have extra energy with the extra “intake” today. There’s lots of boring science to back that up, but common sense says the same thing: eat more food, have more food energy to burn.
A very happy Thanksgiving to you all!