After doing 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups and 315 squats in 20 minutes on Thanksgiving, I was pretty sore yesterday. And I knew I wanted to get in a good workout to take advantage of all the extra Calories I enjoyed on Thanksgiving. But by Friday evening I was really starting to feel it from Thursday. So here’s what I had PLANNED on doing on Friday, but didn’t:
10 minute countdown: 135# thrusters, 2 reps
followed by…
10 minute countdown: 225# deadlift, 4 reps
So that was my plan. Thrusters and deadlifts. I was psyched, until about midday Friday. But I still wanted to work out, so I decided I would do something lower impact, higher reps, and shorter. And it just so happens that this barbell workout is a variation of one of my new favorite kettlebell workouts:
10-minute countdown with a 70# KB: 5 squat and presses, then 10 swings.
I’ve done that workout twice before, most recently on November 1. The first time I was cooked. The second time was a bit easier. This time was better still, even though I was really sore from Thursday. The progress is encouraging.
But the important takeaway here was my subbing the kettlebell movements for the Olympic lifts. I got a modified version of the workout I originally intended to do, and it was both effective and easy on my aching muscles.
Now I’ve got the weekend off for recovery, and I’m looking forward to it.