Tri-Mix Grain Recipe
In an effort to try to make everything we eat healthier, I started adding wheat bran, wheat germ, and oat bran to recipes. The wheat germ and wheat bran provide protein and essential vitamins and minerals, and all three are an excellent source of fiber.
I have individual containers for each of these grains, but I was using them all the time. I figured I could streamline the process, making it more efficient to create more nutrient-dense food in the kitchen.

I put equal parts in one container, that way with one shake, I could easily add key nutrients. I call it my Tri-Mix.
Tri-Mix Grain Recipe
- equal parts wheat bran
- equal parts wheat germ
- equal parts oat bran
I add this to breads like banana and pumpkin, waffles, pancakes, meatloaf, smoothies, oatmeal, and much more. With the added fiber and nutrients, we feel fuller longer and the taste is hardly noticeable.