Clean and Presses and Kettlebell Swings: Heavy Day

On Saturday (yes, two days ago), I did my clean and presses followed by  kettlebell swings in intense fashion.  It was my “heavy” day:

Five clean and press ladders, up to four reps.

Roll two dice to determine the number of minutes to do kettlebell swings at 100% effort.

I’m still building up to being able to do five ladders of up to four “rungs” apiece.  Remember that a “ladder” is one rep left, one rep right; two reps left, two reps right, etc. up to – in this case – four reps left, four reps right.  I was able to do that the first three rounds, then only up to three “rungs” the last two rounds.

I rolled the ol’ dice and rolled a FIVE!  Hallelujah!  Only five minutes doing kettlebell swings like a psychopath.  That’s the idea.  I did KB swings at 100% effort for five minutes.  Like last week, my failure point was the grip.  This time I did 140 reps in five minutes.

It was a short-ish workout and perfect for Christmas Eve.  I took Christmas day off and hit it again tonight.  I’ll post about that next.

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