The 10-Minute Killer Workout
The other night while Jonathan was doing his workout, he prescribed for me a different workout because I am not yet skilled in kettlebell snatches. This workout totally rocked my world, and it took me about ten minutes to complete. I felt it in my abs (without “working” my abs) for a couple of days afterward, and it only involved two exercises!
18 kettlebell swings
18 pushups
16 kettlebell swings
16 pushups
14 kettlebell swings
14 pushups
And so on…all the way to 2 swings and 2 pushups.
I used a 20-pound kettlebell and rested only as needed between rounds. I couldn’t believe how sore I was! You should try it and post a comment to let us know if you have the same experience.
If you don’t have a kettlebell, you can use dumbbell.