On Wednesday I modified a previous workout, doing it for strength (rather than metabolic conditioning) purposes. It involved three movements: the deadlift, the pushup and the Turkish get-up. For those of you keeping score at home…
Part 1:
4 rounds:
245# deadlift – 5 reps
25 pushups
Part 2: Turkish get-ups, as many reps as possible in 8 minutes using a 40# kettlebell, alternating left and right.
I learned last time not to go too heavy on the Turkish get-ups after doing a bunch of pushups, since both pushups and TGU’s are demanding on the shoulders.
Part 1 took me right about 10 minutes; I tried to limit my round to about 2-1/2 minutes apiece. The weight wasn’t crazy hard. I wasn’t trying to go to failure or complete fatigue. I was trying to focus on form, though.
A day later, I’m feeling pretty good, but a bit sore in the traps from Monday’s workout along with the lower back and glutes from the deadlifts.