The Beast Slain: 100 Snatches in 4:33

Whew!  I have finally slain The Beast!  For a few weeks now I’ve been working toward completing 100 kettlebell snatches in five minutes or less.  Although my planning regimen didn’t have me attempting the test until next Monday, I was thinking this morning that I was probably ready to give it a shot.  I then got an email from my big brother wishing me luck on my goal, and that tipped the scales for me.  Here’s how I did it:


For time: 100 kettlebell snatches with a 53# KB.

I broke it down, left and right, as follows:

15 reps

10 reps

8 reps

6 reps

6 reps

5 reps

That’s 50 per side, or 100 total.  I set benchmark times (e.g., at the 3:00 mark I wanted to start my round of 8 reps per side, etc.) and stayed very close to them, until the end when I went for it.  Hence, it took me 4:33.  That’s 27 seconds to spare before my allotted five minutes, so I was encouraged.

I can’t say enough about the mental relief that diminishing reps per round can provide.  Each round (save one) represented less work than the one before, which makes it easier to pick up the bell and get after it!

Next stop: The Dragon, or 200 kettlebell snatches in 10 minutes or less.  I’ll keep you posted as to my progress.

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