On Tuesday, the ladies did a bit of strength training with the kettlebell. Each of them used a heavier kettlebell than they usually use, and decreased the reps. Here’s what we did: Workout:
Five rounds:
Kettlebell swings – 8 reps
Kettlebell rows – 8 reps Left
Kettlebell rows – 8 reps Right
I told them to focus on explosion from the hips and creating float in the bell at the top of the rep. The workout may not look like much, but the muscles were pretty tired. I even loaned one of the ambitious ladies my precious 53# bell, and she did five reps rather than eight. Great work, Teresa!
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I joined them using the 70# bell. I did 15 reps on the swings and 8 rows, but I only did four rounds. Felt great.