This week I enjoyed my anniversary with Sonja, and we got to go to Seattle for a short getaway, so that meant we got to veer from the norm a little bit. You never know what you’re going to get with hotel workout facilities, which is why it’s always best to have some rockin’ bodyweight hotel room workouts in your arsenal. Read on for more.
Monday (7/9)
Part 1-
Five rounds:
A) 53# Turkish Get-ups: 3 reps per side
B) 10 pull-ups
Part 2-
10-minute countdown:
* 70# One-hand KB Swings: 5 reps per side
I did the workout in the morning before we left for Seattle. Then later in the afternoon Sonja and I went on a leisurely run around Greenlake, about 3 miles. This is one situation when I’ll do steady state cardio: when it’s fun. It was a beautiful day in Seattle and tons of people were out enjoying the lake and the sunshine, so we did the sensible thing and went for a run. I filled my running quota through 2013 in one afternoon.
Tuesday (7/10)
Part 1- Five rounds: 50# DB Squat and Press – 6 reps
Part 2- Three rounds:
A) 50# DB Bench Press – 8 reps
B) 50# DB Rows – 8 reps
I did this one in a hotel on my 13th anniversary. Sonja and I were about to head off to a movie, so we didn’t have a lot of time. It was quick and compound, two of my favorite things. 🙂
Wednesday (7/11)
Ten-minute countdown:
A) 1 pistol squat per side
B) 1-2 one-arm pushups per side
Sonja and I did this one together. She thrashes me around when it comes to the pistols, but I still have her beat on the one-arm pushups…for now. We started with a warmup of some split squats, pushups and mountain climbers, then we hit the countdown. I was a bit sore the next day.
Thursday (7/12)
Rest. 🙂
Friday (7/19)
Part 1-
Ten-minute countdown:
A) 1 pistol squat per side
B) 1 one-arm pushups per side
Part 2-
7-minute countdown:
3 “Olympics”
The “Olympics” were my finisher, but a few more rounds would have been a workout of their own! Â I was glad for the consistency of the one-arm pushups and the pistols, and it’s nice to be getting to a place where I can actually make them a focal point in my workouts. Â But I’m not-at-all satisfied with where I am on the pistols.
Go here to see other workout ideas.
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