Favorite Fifteeen: No. 10 – Double KB “Olympics”

Welcome to the next installment in the list of my favorite fifteen workouts!

One thing as a preface. I have borrowed the term “Olympics” from a Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) certified trainer (actually, he’s a Master RKC) whose stuff I read and enjoy. His name is Geoff Neupert. There’s more on the movement below, but it could also be called a KB clean, squat and press. But I like his term way better (the “Olympic”), because the clean, the squat and the press happen to be (or at least once were considered to be) Olympic barbell movements. Now on to the good stuff.

The Workout

Ten-minute Countdown: Double KB Olympics, 4 reps.

How I Do It

I warm up with some pushups and some squats then hit it with double 53# kettlebells. Nothing fancy at all.


This is a fantastic combination of multiple-joint movements, and I can tell you it takes a lot of energy and oxygen. I mentioned above that I use 53# bells for this workout, which is why I hover around 4 reps. If you can do six or more reps per minute for ten minutes, I’d recommend a higher weight for purposes of this particular workout.

For a different, more aerobic effect, you can go with a slightly lighter weight and to between 8-10 reps per minute, or even lighter and use a 30 seconds on/30 seconds off protocol. That would be a real gasser. Of course, all of it is scalable, so you could even go for 15-20 minutes if you wanted to do so.

It’s important anytime you do the front squat to keep your core super tight so your back doesn’t curl forward. Focus on keeping an arch in your lower back and get deep “in the hole” on the squats. It’s guaranteed to wipe you out.

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