I thought if I just left the title Power Shakes you might think this is a recipe post. Then I thought if I titled this Power Shakes-for the Heart, you might still think this is a recipe post, or a post about how good Power Shakes are for the heart. Hence the title Power Shakes-for the Heart & Soul.
I am so, so excited to not only present our first guest post, but to introduce you to Shelly Wyrick! I knew one of her sisters first, and then all three of us became roommates and friends during my last year and a half in college. Back then I had absolutely NO IDEA that God has given Shelly the gift of words since she was on a different collegiate path.
I have followed Shelly for years and so enjoy her current blog Dear Mimi, from Mama. With her finely crafted words Shelly has the ability to make me laugh, make me cry, and assure me that I am not alone in this difficult, and most rewarding journey of parenthood, nurturing little souls.
Really quickly, I want to share of a few of my favorite posts of Shelly’s. For a good cry (and a good reminder that you are immensely blessed) read Armpits, yes I wrote that correctly, Armpits. And for a good reminder to slow down and prioritize (we all need this) read Smarty Bar Your Life. Shelly doesn’t know this, but I had this second post open on a window in my computer for months intending to respond because it resonated with me so deeply. (I know, I know: bad friend; I still need to respond.)
And now Shelly…
Power Shakes
Give me a warm bowl of oatmeal – yummy. Give me a fresh basket of berries – super yummy. Give me a scoop of peanut better – oh, we’ll be friends.
But put them together?
In our family we make one kind of smoothy – the Power Shake. It’s a hearty concoction of milk, bananas, oatmeal (yes raw oatmeal), blueberries and peanut butter. And like every good mom, if I’m left alone to make it, there’s likely even more oddball nutrients snuck in.
Lately, this journey called motherhood has gotten a bit like randomly-assembled Power Shakes. I’m a goal-oriented person, so sometimes being the mom of a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and 9 month old can leave me yearning for straightforward plans. If I could just find the perfect recipe for raising these babes.
Oh wait, I have it. It’s called the B-I-B-L-E.
See, these bambinos are here for just a jiff and then they’ll be gone. I occasionally look at them objectively and think – what do I want to instill before they brody down the driveway with my car? Like the ingredients in my morning Power Shake, the list is getting quite long:
Christ-centered confidence Faithfulness Gentleness Goodness Integrity Joy Kindness Love Mercy Patience Peace Perseverance Prayer Purity Self control
You noticed those were in alphabetical order didn’t you? You’re welcome.
Anyway. The list was getting quite out of control when the Lord whacked me straight over the head this morning with it.
Here’s the deal. The list has to be mine before it can be theirs. Ugh. I can tell them to be kind and patient till my jugulars buldge, but suddenly, solemnly, I realized that it will speak louder through my own actions. How can I demonstrate kindness? How can I show them what it looks like to pray first and take action second? How does a mother show self control in her daily life? Joy? Christ-centered confidence?
Okay, Lord, so if we’re doing this then we’re starting with mercy. Lord, forgive me. Followed by a dose of faithfulness. Lord help me be the kind of mother You want me to be, and if not too much trouble, let me sneak the spinach into their Power Shake for just a while longer.
Thanks so much, Shelly, for sharing! You bless me, and I know many others!
Shelly Wyrick, MPT (Mama Pour Trois) is a play-at-home mom of three and freelance writer. For her meanderings in motherhood visit her blog at www.DearMimiFromMama.blogspot. com. Have you read…?- The Sweetest Blackberries Always Grow Among the Nettles
- Feasting and Staying Lean
- Who Are We Thanking?