We come today to the final installment in our series on my fifteen favorite workouts, and it involves the “czar” of kettlebell lifts: the kettlebell snatch. (Cackles sinisterly.)
The Workout
200 snatches in 10 minutes.
Sounds simple enough, right?
How I Do It
I usually set a 10-minute timer, then at the top of every minute, I do ten snatches with my left, then ten with the right, resting for the remainder of the minute.
In terms of weight, I use a 40# kettlebell, though I’ve done lots of variations using a 53#. I’m working little by little toward the goal of completing all 200 snatches in a 10-minute timeframe with a 53# bell.

This is one of the most demanding workouts I’ve ever done, and I’ve done it lots of times, in lots of forms (but not at all in the last six months). The most I’ve ever actually completed to date is 184 reps in 10 minutes with a 53# bell. 40# is more manageable. It’s easy to scale, too. If you can’t do 10 reps per side, per minute, try 8 reps per side. You get the idea.
I really can’t say enough about this workout, but anyone who has tried it would tell you: it’s absolutely relentless and brutal. By the sixth minutes you feel like your heart is going to fly out of your chest and your legs start to get a bit wobbly. It’s great. And I hate it. It should be on your bucket list….
This brings my Favorite Fifteen series to a close, but the good news is that I have learned a lot since I started this series, so my list of favorites has only grown, and I plan to share the wealth with you all!
Have you ever tried to do 200 kettlebell snatches in 10 minutes? Tell us about it in the comment section below!
Happy training!
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