Favorite Fifteen: Jonathan’s Go-to Workouts The next stop on the tour of my go-to workouts is the Double Kettlebell Swing. The Workout 200 kettlebell swings for time How I Do It After doing a warmup of some deep squats and some pushups, I use a 53# kettlebell. Explanation You may use any sized kettlebell that… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen No. 4: 200 Swings for Time
Author: Jonathan
Questions Worth Asking #4: Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is a widely-valued attribute. Across gender, ethnic and religious lines, people who can be trusted are considered to be valuable. Surrounding yourself with trustworthy people and being trustworthy yourself is a smart idea. It comes as little surprise that questions #3 and #4 from the Wesley brothers’ Holy Club questions relate to trustworthiness. We’ll zero… Continue reading Questions Worth Asking #4: Trustworthiness
The Dangers of the AMRAP
I imagine many of you are wondering what “AMRAP” means. It’s short for As Many Round As Possible, and it’s a very popular protocol for optimizing work density, that is, optimizing the volume of work you do in a set amount of time. Read on. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr… Continue reading The Dangers of the AMRAP
Question Worth Asking #1: Hypocrisy
When you’re signing up for a poke in the eye, why settle for a sharp stick when you can go with a red-hot poker? That’s sort of my thought process when picking the first of the Wesley brothers’ Holy Club questions for consideration today. It happens to be at the top of the list, and… Continue reading Question Worth Asking #1: Hypocrisy
Why I Don’t Do CrossFit
Many good things can be abused: food, sex, fire, and CrossFit. When abused they can result in personal harm, and they are commonly decried as bad, although the fault lies with the abuser, not the thing being abused. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the… Continue reading Why I Don’t Do CrossFit