Favorite Fifteen No. 5: Squat and Press/Swing Tandem

We come today to a workout that I’ve done probably ten times and never come away disappointed. It’s short and very demanding on the heart…and it’ll leave your gluts and quads sore the next day. Read on…. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen No. 5: Squat and Press/Swing Tandem

Training Your Prayer Muscles

A Christian Culture...for Kids

Strength is a skill, and exercise should rightly be viewed as training. You are training particular muscles and developing particular skills in each session…if you’ve got a plan, that is. One of my favorite training protocols is especially good for building strength, and it’s called “greasing the groove.” This is a concept borrowed from fitness… Continue reading Training Your Prayer Muscles