Favorite Fifteen: No. 7 – Tabata Variations

Next up in my Favorite Fifteen are some modified Tabatas. You may be familiar with the Tabata protocol. One Tabata comprises eight 30-second rounds (four minutes total). Each round includes 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. So if you were to do Tabata pushups, you’d do 20 seconds of pushups, rest… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen: No. 7 – Tabata Variations

You Are Always Teaching

A Christian Culture...for Kids

Many of you know that my background is in education. Sonja’s, too. Over the last ten years or so I have taught a variety of disciplines in a Christian school setting. So the idea of teaching is before my mind more frequently than for some folks. These days our children attend a great school three… Continue reading You Are Always Teaching

Favorite Fifteen: No. 8 – Double KB Superset

Favorite Fifteen: Jonathan’s Go-to Workouts We continue with our next installment of my favorite fifteen workouts. This time it features two compound movements that are old standbys for building strength and stamina. Especially strength. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen: No. 8 – Double KB Superset

Our Favorite Bible Reading Plan

A Christian Culture...for Kids

Have you ever read the Bible in one year? Well, now’s a great time to be making plans for 2013, making decisions regarding your personal and spiritual disciplines. Reading the Bible in a year is a great discipline that is surprisingly manageable, yet relatively few Christians actually do it. Let me explain some of the… Continue reading Our Favorite Bible Reading Plan