The Sweetest Blackberries Always Grow Among the Nettles

Across the eastern fence of our property there is a greenbelt. The greenbelt features a creek, tons of maples, cedars and about a hundred blackberry bushes. Each September we get the privilege of harvesting blackberries for jams, crisps, smoothies, and even to be eaten by themselves…all without leaving our property. Well, due to the long… Continue reading The Sweetest Blackberries Always Grow Among the Nettles

Favorite Fifteen: No. 9 – More KB Swings

Just because exercise is simple doesn’t mean that it has to be boring. Take the kettlebell swing, for instance. By varying the weight, the reps, duration and rest, I could do swings exclusively for weeks and get a great workout every time…and do something different, every time, too. It should come as little surprise then,… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen: No. 9 – More KB Swings

Feasting and Staying Lean

Feasting and Staying Lean Are you concerned about gaining weight from holiday feasting? Well, weight gain is not inevitable for those who know how to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. Here are a few things to think about: Feasting is good. In fact, it’s great. It’s a Christian obligation. We need to eat and drink with… Continue reading Feasting and Staying Lean

Favorite Fifteeen: No. 10 – Double KB “Olympics”

Welcome to the next installment in the list of my favorite fifteen workouts! One thing as a preface. I have borrowed the term “Olympics” from a Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) certified trainer (actually, he’s a Master RKC) whose stuff I read and enjoy. His name is Geoff Neupert. There’s more on the movement below, but… Continue reading Favorite Fifteeen: No. 10 – Double KB “Olympics”