This week I planned to do the same thing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday varying only reps or rest. That completely blew up by round two on Monday. The plan was fine, but what I didn’t anticipate was an injury…. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of July 2. When God Blesses You with Lemons…
Author: Jonathan
My Workouts: Week of June 25. Heavy bodyweight emphasis
So this week I focused particularly on bodyweight movements. I love my kettlebells, but the bodyweight movements are particularly good for mobility and relative, functional strength. If someone can back squat 300 pounds but can’t keep his heels down or get past parallel with his thighs to actually fire the glutes when he does a… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 25. Heavy bodyweight emphasis
Practical Stewardship 101: Keep it Sustainable
Sometimes people ask me things like this: “Jonathan, I’m thinking about working out six days per week for 45 minutes until I can get below my target weight. What do you think about that?” And I generally respond with some questions of my own: Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it… Continue reading Practical Stewardship 101: Keep it Sustainable
My Workouts: Week of June 18. 8-minute hotel room workouts and a hike in the Rockies!
My Workouts: Week of June 18 This week, I was out of town from Wednesday on. So any workouts that I did were without any equipment. It also involved two 8-minute hotel room workouts on Thursday and Friday. I even went on a hike in the Rockies! Read on for more. Recommend on Facebook Share… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 18. 8-minute hotel room workouts and a hike in the Rockies!
Why Is This So Hard?
Why is this so hard? Last week I was at a national conference for the Association of Classical and Christian Schools in Dallas, TX, and I attended a workshop led by George Grant, pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, TN, who has quickly become one of my favorite biographical speakers. The workshop was entitled… Continue reading Why Is This So Hard?