This week my daily circuit involved a teeny bit more than bodyweight-only movements. It looked like this: Every day, 3-5 times per day, do the following circuit: 4 “L” Pull-ups 1 KB Clean and Press per side (70# KB) 1 1-arm Push-up per side 1 Pistol Squat per side I didn’t get as many of… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 11 – Varied Brutality 🙂
Author: Jonathan
My Workouts: Week of June 4. L pull-ups, Snatches, and Lunges in the Rain!
This week I returned to the snatches and incorporated some other goodness. Read on for the details. 3-5 times per day, do the following: 3 “L” pull-ups (standard grip, neutral grip, close grip chin-up, repeat) 1 one-arm pushup per side (unassisted, from the floor) 1 pistol squat per side Monday (6/4) Turkish Get-ups: 5 minutes… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 4. L pull-ups, Snatches, and Lunges in the Rain!
My Workouts: Week of May 28. Dive bomber pushups, pistols and double kettlebell work!
I took this week off from the kettlebell snatches altogether. I did some swings and strength stuff and continued my bodyweight work, so we’ll see if that pays dividends for the snatches this week (week of June 4). 3-5 times per day, do the following: Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of May 28. Dive bomber pushups, pistols and double kettlebell work!
My Workouts: Week of May 21
This last week I wanted to go with a heavy emphasis on bodyweight only stuff, working hard to work throughout the day rather than just scheduling workouts. That involved doing a bunch of bodyweight stuff throughout the week with a sprinkling of KB work in there for conditioning. Here was the plan: Recommend on Facebook… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of May 21
For this is the love of God…
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). John’s hesitance to acknowledge the gray areas of the “Christian” life is at best unnerving. If it’s the love of God to keep his commandments, then what is it called when we don’t keep… Continue reading For this is the love of God…