My Workouts: Week of June 11 – Varied Brutality :)

This week my daily circuit involved a teeny bit more than bodyweight-only movements.  It looked like this: Every day, 3-5 times per day, do the following circuit: 4 “L” Pull-ups 1 KB Clean and Press per side (70# KB) 1 1-arm Push-up per side 1 Pistol Squat per side I didn’t get as many of… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 11 – Varied Brutality 🙂

My Workouts: Week of June 4. L pull-ups, Snatches, and Lunges in the Rain!

This week I returned to the snatches and incorporated some other goodness.  Read on for the details. 3-5 times per day, do the following: 3 “L” pull-ups (standard grip, neutral grip, close grip chin-up, repeat) 1 one-arm pushup per side (unassisted, from the floor) 1 pistol squat per side Monday (6/4) Turkish Get-ups: 5 minutes… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of June 4. L pull-ups, Snatches, and Lunges in the Rain!

My Workouts: Week of May 28. Dive bomber pushups, pistols and double kettlebell work!

I took this week off from the kettlebell snatches altogether.  I did some swings and strength stuff and continued my bodyweight work, so we’ll see if that pays dividends for the snatches this week (week of June 4). 3-5 times per day, do the following: Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of May 28. Dive bomber pushups, pistols and double kettlebell work!

My Workouts: Week of May 21

This last week I wanted to go with a heavy emphasis on bodyweight only stuff, working hard to work throughout the day rather than just scheduling workouts.  That involved doing a bunch of bodyweight stuff throughout the week with a sprinkling of KB work in there for conditioning.  Here was the plan:  Recommend on Facebook… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of May 21