The Beast Slain: 100 Snatches in 4:33

Whew!  I have finally slain The Beast!  For a few weeks now I’ve been working toward completing 100 kettlebell snatches in five minutes or less.  Although my planning regimen didn’t have me attempting the test until next Monday, I was thinking this morning that I was probably ready to give it a shot.  I then… Continue reading The Beast Slain: 100 Snatches in 4:33

Turkish Get-ups: the All-purpose Exercise

On Wednesday, I was experiencing a bit of soreness from Tuesday’s workout, so I was glad that my planned training involved some Turkish get-ups.  Generally speaking, after doing about 5-8 minutes of TGU’s, I feel great the next day: loose, mobile, and pain-free. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet… Continue reading Turkish Get-ups: the All-purpose Exercise

Return of the Kettlebell Squat and Press/Swing Tandem!

On Tuesday the ladies and I revisited a pretty “fun” tandem of kettlebell squat and presses followed by kettlebell swings.  For those keeping score at home, that’s three times for this workout, and it’s encouraging that each time it’s gotten easier.  Here’s what it looked like: Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers… Continue reading Return of the Kettlebell Squat and Press/Swing Tandem!