Feasting or Gluttony?

‘Tis the season to party, right? It’s true: there is no shortage of calorie consumption that goes on between the last Thursday in November and January 2. And this presents a conflict of conscience for many Christians. We know that food is good, but overindulgence is bad, right? At the Sarr family Thanksgiving dinner, the… Continue reading Feasting or Gluttony?

Happy Thanksgiving from Practical-Stewardship.com!

Happy Thanksgiving from Practical-Stewardship.com

We are very thankful to you, our readers. Thank you for helping to season our lives with interest and joy. Thank you for reading our various musings. Thank you for making a difference in your own areas of influence. We give praise today to the Giver of all the gifts we enjoy…and we take extra… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving from Practical-Stewardship.com!

Why Kettlebells Are Better than Barbells: Value

The debate: Which is better?

Today I finish up a three-parter on kettlebells and barbells/free weights. The title alone gives my conclusion, but does not offer all of my reasons. For that, you have to read the posts themselves. That’s the idea, anyway. If you didn’t catch part 1, you can read it here. Part 2 is here. Perhaps you’d… Continue reading Why Kettlebells Are Better than Barbells: Value

My Current Reading List

Please Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a book through this website, you will pay nothing extra, but it will help our site. Enjoy! I was out and about the other day, and got a text message from my wife, asking me if I would write a post listing the books I’m… Continue reading My Current Reading List

Why Kettlebells Are Better than Barbells: Practicality

The debate: Which is better?

  We continue today with our debate about which is better (if we can call it a debate), and this is my second installment. Before I move on, keep in mind that when we ask which is better between kettlebells and free weights/barbells, it is sort of like asking which is better between hatchets and… Continue reading Why Kettlebells Are Better than Barbells: Practicality