Exercise Update! What I’ve Been Up to the Last Six Months

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Exercise Update! Recently I finished doling out my favorite fifteen workouts, one at a time. It made for a fun series for me, but one of the exciting things is how quickly such a list can become obsolete. If you were to ask my favorite fifteen workouts today, my list would be considerably different from… Continue reading Exercise Update! What I’ve Been Up to the Last Six Months

Favorite Fifteen No. 1: Kettlebell Snatches!!

We come today to the final installment in our series on my fifteen favorite workouts, and it involves the “czar” of kettlebell lifts: the kettlebell snatch. (Cackles sinisterly.) The Workout 200 snatches in 10 minutes. Sounds simple enough, right? Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Tweet about it Subscribe to… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen No. 1: Kettlebell Snatches!!

Favorite Fifteen No. 2: Kettlebell Clean and Press Ladders

The penultimate stop of the Favorite Fifteen train is at the station called “The Clean and Press.” This is – as the name suggests – two separate drills that go together like peanut butter and chocolate. The ballistic movement of the clean helps to get the heart rate up and fire fast-twitch muscle fibers. Chasing… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen No. 2: Kettlebell Clean and Press Ladders

Favorite Fifteen No. 3: Turkish Get-ups, 1 per side

As I continue with my series on my favorite fifteen workouts, I return to the Turkish Get-up (the first mention being #14). If you’re looking for an exercise that generates greater strength and greater mobility, it’s hard to get more bang for your buck than the Turkish Get-up. Recommend on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share… Continue reading Favorite Fifteen No. 3: Turkish Get-ups, 1 per side