Fresh Kiwi Banana Smoothie Recipe
We are having so much fun with our new Vitamix coming up with different recipes! We’ve been using our blender for years to make various creations, but now it seems so much easier with the Vitamix doing most of the cleaning itself. I started without the banana, but added it to sweeten.
The Ingredients:
- 1 kiwi, peeled
- 1 cup grapes
- 2 leaves of romaine lettuce
- 1 apple, quartered and seeded
- 1 T flaxseed oil, optional
- 1 banana, peeled
- handful of ice
The Directions:
- Blend all ingredients except the bananas and ice until thoroughly blended.
- Add the bananas and ice and thoroughly blend.
- Serve immediately.
The verdict: The romaine was a bit strong for me. Next time I will try 1/2 a piece of romaine. Other than that, I liked it.
Go here for the complete list of recipes.
What smoothie combinations do you enjoy the best? Check out other smoothie recipes here.
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