Citrus Cabbage Salad or Salsa

Citrus Cabbage Salad or Salsa I’m always on the lookout for different salads and for new ways to serve vegetables. This past summer I was at a church potluck when I had my first encounter with this salad. I was struck by the flavor combinations: the cabbage mingling with the lime and orange and then… Continue reading Citrus Cabbage Salad or Salsa

Being Fit: It’s a Body of Work

Have you ever been in a cave and seen a stalactite? Or a stalagmite? If not, maybe you’ve seen a valley carved out by a (relatively) slow-moving glacier. These things are formed over time. Ages, in most cases. The difference is not discernible from one day to the next, but it’s there…however small it may be.

Fitness is no different. A healthy body is a body of work, the product of thousands of decisions of varying significance.