225 Kettlebell Swings in 15 Minutes

Today the ladies and I revisited a simple workout that we first enjoyed on November 22. It is actually demanding on the glutes, the hamstrings and, of all things, the grip. It only involves a fairly heavy kettlebell and a lot of swinging.  Read on for the workout.

Kettlebell Snatch Practice and Swings for Conditioning

I return this week to my kettlebell snatch practice.  It was practice, to be sure, but I got a good workout in the process.  My goal is to get to 100 snatches with a 53# kettlebell in five minutes or less.  There are a few ways to get there, and I’m still a long way… Continue reading Kettlebell Snatch Practice and Swings for Conditioning

The All-In Fruit Smoothie

The All-In Fruit Smoothie This is a pretty eclectic smoothie.  It’s inspired by liking fruit. 🙂  If you have the fruit, throw it in; if you don’t, don’t.  It was very yummy, but it wasn’t “made” by any one particular ingredient, so don’t be put off if you don’t have any pears, for instance. Joshua and… Continue reading The All-In Fruit Smoothie