Enchilada Wraps Meal On-the-Go

Enchilada Wraps Meal On-the-Go Here’s another one of my meals on-the-go. I like to have a lot of different ideas in the arsenal as soccer season approaches again so we aren’t eating the same burritos dinner, after dinner, after dinner. Anyone else with me? So for my newest wrap we’ve brought in the big gun…enchilada… Continue reading Enchilada Wraps Meal On-the-Go

Copycat Oriental Flavor Top Ramen

Copycat Oriental Flavor Top Ramen Anyone else get through college on Top Ramen? I know there are a lot of us out there. Lurking in the dark. Afraid to admit our culinary past. Or lack thereof. I know I can’t be the only one. It was the way to stretch the dollar. Back in the… Continue reading Copycat Oriental Flavor Top Ramen