Another week at the grind. Motivation in exercise – at least for me – often comes from having goals in mind and from changing things up to keep them interesting. Even with the four primary kettlebell movements that I utilize most (the Clean and Press, the Turkish Get-up, the Swing and the Snatch), I’m able… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of April 30
Tag: kettlebell snatch
My Workouts: Week of April 23
Monday (4/23) Kettlebell Clean and Presses (53# KB): 4 rounds, 4 ladders (40 total reps) Kettlebell Swings (70# KB): roll two dice for minutes (11 minutes), Tabata protocol So that all means that I started the morning by doing a bunch of clean and presses. I set the timer for two minutes between ladders as… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of April 23
Kettlebell Snatches and a Simple Pushup/Squat Finisher
“Simple” doesn’t always mean “easy.” Likewise, “hard” doesn’t necessarily mean “difficult.” Monday’s workout was simple, but not easy. The snatch practice is starting to push me pretty well as I progress toward my goal of 100 snatches in five minutes or less. Here’s what I did today… Workout: Seven rounds, one round per minute:… Continue reading Kettlebell Snatches and a Simple Pushup/Squat Finisher