My Workouts: Week of April 30

Another week at the grind. Motivation in exercise – at least for me – often comes from having goals in mind and from changing things up to keep them interesting. Even with the four primary kettlebell movements that I utilize most (the Clean and Press, the Turkish Get-up, the Swing and the Snatch), I’m able… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of April 30

My Workouts: Week of April 23

Monday (4/23) Kettlebell Clean and Presses (53# KB): 4 rounds, 4 ladders  (40 total reps) Kettlebell Swings (70# KB): roll two dice for minutes (11 minutes), Tabata protocol So that all means that I started the morning by doing a bunch of clean and presses.  I set the timer for two minutes between ladders as… Continue reading My Workouts: Week of April 23