Tuesdays for me are a day to mix things up or take off altogether, which is something I look forward to every week. It’s generally a low-key, low-stress day: I can work on a skill, work out with the ladies (as I’ve posted here before), do some active recovery (e.g., stretching, walking, etc.) or – as I mentioned – take off altogether.
Tonight I started with a five-minute walk on the treadmill to loosen up. The kids wanted to join me, of course, which makes it interesting. Then I did some lunges for a few minutes. I chased that with some kettlebell snatch ladders, up to four reps. That’s one rep left, one rep right; two left, two right, etc. up to four reps, left and right. I did four rounds of that with my 53# kettlebell.
I finished it off with some spirited tickle-wrestling with the kids on the couch, then it was time for dinner. If workouts were always like this, who’d ever miss exercise?