What You Will Find Here

What You Will Find Here

Welcome visitors!  Practical-Stewardship.com is a blog-a-zine dedicated to the sharing of ideas of how to practically live our life of faith through the way we eat, the way we handle our finances, and our bodies. We share money saving ideas, (mostly) healthier recipes, workouts, DIY crafts and sewing projects, Snohomish County (Washington) grocery deals, and more.

Current Features:

You will also see posts on occasional excellent deals from other merchants such as Old Navy, Gap, Bath & Body Works, fitness philosophy ideas, other Healthier-for-you Recipes with a natural bent, For-the-Heart soul-food, Do-It-Yourself ideas, sewing projects, and more.

The grocery, clothing, and other merchant deals are short and concise so you can look quickly.  There are so many deals out there it’s overwhelming, and there are plenty of other blogs that offer long lists of weekly grocery deals and different store deals if that interests you.  I even follow some of those blogs, but that’s not our focus here.

The workouts are meant to give you ideas that you can modify (especially if you don’t have any kettlebells).

We know this blog could be broken up into several different blogs.  We could have a separate money-saving blog, a separate exercise blog, a separate DIY blog, a separate recipe blog, and a separate spiritual blog.  Maybe that will come later, but may be not. Only the Lord knows.  But we really can’t separate these aspects of life because it is all about a lifestyle…the lifestyle of a good and faithful steward.

We love hearing from you, especially your ideas for excellent stewardship (and your feedback on ours!), so please contact us and if you like us, “like us” on Facebook. 🙂  You can also get a daily e-mail subscription or RSS Feed by going here.

By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!

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