Strength Workout: Thrusters, Kettlebell Swings and Weighted Pull-ups

Yesterday my buddy Garrett came over and we did a strength workout together.  It was a nice compliment to my MetCon workout from Wednesday.  I was still pretty sore, but it felt great to work out some of the lactic acid causing my pain.  It wasn’t too crazy, and we spent the first round working on just the movements themselves, then we hit it pretty hard for rounds 2-5.  Here’s what it looked like:


Five rounds:

95# Thruster – 10 reps

70# Kettlebell Swing – 15 reps

25# Weighted Pull-ups – 5 reps

The thrusters (similar to a kettlebell clean and press, but with a barbell) were pretty light, but they still felt great.  The swings were a nice remedy for the sore back.  The pull-ups?  I felt sort of weak on those, but it wasn’t too bad.  Garrett was really strong on those. To weight the pull-ups we just crossed our feet with a dumbbell between the ankles.  Works great.

Today, as is pretty common, my traps are sore from the overhead press portion of the thrusters.  When doing any of those squat-intensive movements, remember that the key to really maximizing the results is to be sure to get below parallel in the down position.

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