Okay, so the Practical-Stewardship.com “gym” is actually my garage if you want to get technical, but you get the idea.
On Tuesday, I had the ladies practice some more pistol squats and kettlebell rows. The pistol squats, as you’ll recall, are one-legged squats, and the rows work the back muscles. The rows are also a good substitution for those who cannot do pull-ups, or who can only do one or two.
Here was the assignment:
Practice (not “Workout”):
Four rounds:
5 pistol squats (or pistol-squat progressions) left
5 pistol squats (or pistol-squat progressions) right
5 KB rows left
5 KB rows right
For more on the progressions, click here to see a post from one of our previous skill days at PS.C.
Sonja totally did the pistols and rows without any assistance or helps or progressions, and she was crazy sore for it on Wednesday. If you clicked on the video, you may notice that Abbie goes all the way down, her backside almost touching her grounded heel. This is the right way to do it. (I posted the video because it was funny, but it’s still helpful.) When you get below parallel, you fire your glutes. If you’re not tired or sore in the glutes after you do a bunch of squats, then you’re probably not going low enough. So Sonja was hurting (in a good way) in the glutes and the quads. She “loved” it.
Questions? Ask away in the comment section. Otherwise, enjoy your rowing and pistol-squatting!