Easy Pillowcase Tutorial

EASY Pillowcase Tutorial


EASY Pillowcase Tutorial



It’s DIY Time again where I try to post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be VERY REWARDING.  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like.

Pillowcases are super easy to make, super fast to make, and can quickly add a splash of color to a dull room.  Making them is an economical way to start or add to a frugal redecoration process.  If you have sheets or some leftover fabric that would be great re-purposing, too!


If you are experienced with the sewing machine, this would be a great first project to do with a young lady.  Give your family members the gift of being able to create through the use of a sewing machine by teaching them to sew.  And if you don’t know how to sew, ask people to help you!  When I was 33 and starting to sew, I asked my dad, Great Aunt Fran, my friend Merri and my friend Cheryl all to help at different stages.  Most people love to share what they know and help enable you to do the same.  Isn’t that what we are all about?  Helping others?


This is one of the first things my Aunt Fran taught me how to do 2 years ago when I first started sewing.

Easy Pillowcase Tutorial Instructions

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 yard of WASHED fun fabric if you are making a case for a standard size pillow (it has to be fun!)
  • pillow to compare size
  • sewing machine
  • matching thread

The Instructions:

Fold the washed material in half.
Pin if desired. Start on the fold, and sew 1/4'' from the edge. Sew one of the short sides and the long side all the way down. Leave one of the short sides open for inserting the pillow, which you'll do at the end.
It's hard to tell, but it should look something like this.
Fold 2'' or so over and iron down (you can measure it against your pillow).
Fold 1/4'' over all the way around, and iron down. This will tuck the edge in so you don't see the raw edges.
Sew close to the edge all the way around. You are almost done!
Flip the pillowcase right side out, and check it out on your pillow!

Have you tried…?

Upcycled and Repurposed Snack Bag Tutorial


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Shared @ Chic & Crafty, Crafty Soiree Thursday, Thrifty Thursday 101, Transformation Thursday, Works for Me Wednesday36th Ave. Sticker & Party TimeFrugal Days Sustainable Ways, Take a Look Tuesday, Handmade Tuesday, Tip Me Tuesday, Simply Sensational Tuesday, Anti-procrastination Tuesday, Take It On Tuesday, Time Out Tuesday, & Show & Tell Link Up

By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi! Those are pretty pillow cases. It’s really a great idea and uses for fabric scraps. Thank you for sharing! By the way, I saw your post over at the A Crafty Soiree blog party. Have a nice day!

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