On Wednesday I did some Turkish Get-ups and pull-ups for some slow, grind-it-out, strength-building enjoyment. It looked like this:
Turkish Get-ups (Left then Right)/Pull-ups:
5 TGU’s Left, 5 TGU’s Right, 10 Pullups
4 TGU’s Left, 4 TGU’s Right, 8 Pullups
3 TGU’s Left, 3 TGU’s Right, 6 Pullups
2 TGU’s Left, 2 TGU’s Right, 6 Pullups
1 TGU Left, 1 TGU Right, 6 Pullups
The pull-ups were great to do between TGU’s because the movements use opposing muscle groups. The Turkish get-up is technically a press, and the pull-up is, well, a pull. So although I was winded after the TGU’s, my pull-up muscles were still totally fresh. This is what is so great about super-setting. When one muscle group is working, the one that’s up next is resting.
And the get-ups were a challenge. My shoulders were quaking on the round of five reps. It felt great.