DIY: Starting Our Garden


It’s DIY FRI. again, where every Friday I try to post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be VERY REWARDING.  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like.

Well folks, we are in the very starting stages of our garden.  I mean the very beginning.  We have picked where our vegetable garden will go, and we picked a separate place for a small little herb garden.

our small plot for the herb garden

For the herb garden, we picked a place in the front of our house that had overgrown lithodora that we share with our neighbors.  I was sad to see our lithodora go because my friend, and former neighbor, Alicia, made the trek to get them and put it in with pansies.  Did I plant any of them?  I can’t remember that far back, five years ago or so??  The pansies are long gone, but the lithodora had taken over, so it was time to say goodbye to it.  Our current flexible neighbors granted us permission to make over the entire little plot, since only half is ours.  Thank you Paquettes!

Joshua clearing the plot
It looks like an angel helping...

There is still more to be cleared, but we are progressing slowly but surely.

I figured out what is so scary to me about growing my own food.  It’s the seeds.  I have no problems transplanting living plants, and hoping they’ll grow.  If the transplants don’t grow, it’s not that offensive to me.  Plus, they usually do grow.  I’ve have even put bulbs (tulips) in the ground and have gotten them to grow, but when it comes to growing my own food from seeds, AAAAHHH.  Scary!  I really hope it works!  I am more afraid of doing nothing, then doing something and failing, though, so here we are.

The Red Bell Pepper Seeds

I bought some seeds to start indoors, and planted some of them today in a repurposed egg carton.  I was kind of surprised to see the the seeds look like the seeds in a bell pepper.

Planting My Bell Pepper Seeds

Wonder of wonders!  I don’t know what else I expected, though.  This caused me to ask myself, ‘can I just use the seeds from one bell pepper, dry them out, and try to plant them’??  Another DIY project way down the road…?!?

The Egg Carton with Pepper Seeds

I have never heard of peppers growing here before in the Pacific Northwest, but my friend jazzin’ friend Amy suggested peppers, so I thought I’d give bell peppers a try.  Hope that’s what she meant:)

This is where our veggies will go. Sorry this is crooked, but we live on a hill:)

Hopefully tomorrow or sooner than later we can transplant our roses to make room for our new vegetable area.

JSarr and I really need to sit down and plot out a plan of action.  It’s been really fun talking to my different friends about their gardening experiences!  My friend Erica really has it all figured out, and she really inspired me today.

How is your garden coming along?

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By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!

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