My Workouts: Week of May 28. Dive bomber pushups, pistols and double kettlebell work!

I took this week off from the kettlebell snatches altogether.  I did some swings and strength stuff and continued my bodyweight work, so we’ll see if that pays dividends for the snatches this week (week of June 4).

3-5 times per day, do the following:

  1. 12 pull-ups (standard grip, neutral grip, close grip chin-up, repeat)
  2. 1 hanging leg raise
  3. 5 Dive bomber pushups (hands on KB’s)
  4. 1 one-arm pushup per side (unassisted, from the floor)
  5. 1 pistol squat per side

Monday (5/28)

  1. 10- minute countdown: Double KB “Olympics,” 3 reps (53# KB)
  2. Turkish Get-ups: 7 minutes (53# KB)

I loved this.  I think I could have gone at least 12 minutes on the Olympics.  Each round’s work took about 20 seconds, leaving me about 40 seconds to recover.

And the TGU’s felt totally light, even after working my shoulders.  I didn’t do a single TGU last the week before, so this may have had something to do with it.

Tuesday (5/29)

Practice heavy presses, stretch.  I was going to do some bench and deadlift, but my workout partner had to cancel.  It meant some extra practice time. 🙂

Wednesday (5/30)

  1. Double KB Clean and Press: 4 Ladders, 4 rungs
  2. Explosive KB swings, 70# bell: 5 reps every 30 seconds for 12 minutes.

The presses were actually pretty hard in this format, but I felt solid.  I was a little sore from the swings the next day; though I didn’t do very many of them, I did try to make them explosive, so it took some good energy.

Thursday (5/31)


Friday (6/1)

  1. Turkish Get-ups – 5 minutes, alternating sides each rep (53# bell)
  2. Twelve rounds (90 second rounds):
    1. Double KB Swings (53#): 10 reps
    2. Pushups – 10 reps

This one felt fantastic.  Each round’s work took about 30 seconds, leaving me a full minute to rest. I could have rested for less time and completed the work, though I may not have been as explosive.  No grip failure to speak of, though that was probably due to the rest.  Either way, swinging two 53# kettlebells (yes, that’s 106 pounds) is actually a lot of fun.  The pushups were easy enough.

As far as the bodyweight stuff I did throughout the week, I managed to complete the circuit 15 times, taking Thursday off altogether.  I’m making some slow gains on the pistols and the one-armed pushups.  I like this format.

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