My Workouts: Week of June 11 – Varied Brutality :)

This week my daily circuit involved a teeny bit more than bodyweight-only movements.  It looked like this:

Every day, 3-5 times per day, do the following circuit:

  1. 4 “L” Pull-ups
  2. 1 KB Clean and Press per side (70# KB)
  3. 1 1-arm Push-up per side
  4. 1 Pistol Squat per side

I didn’t get as many of these in this week as I’d like.  I only managed to complete the circuit about 10 times, when I was shooting for about 15.  But regardless, the “L” pull-ups are getting easier.

Monday (6/11)

  1. 5 Clean and Press Ladders – 4 rungs (53# KB)
  2. 200 Kettlebell Swings for time (53# KB)

The C&P’s were solid, but the highlight was the swings.  The last time I did 200 reps for time was in March and I did it in 7:41.  This time ‘round I went by the minute, doing sets of 30, 30, 30, 25, 25, 30 and 30.  It was hard, but I managed to crush my old PR and set a new one: 6:58.  I was encouraged.  30 reps took me about 49 seconds, leaving only 11 seconds to rest.  If I want to get better, I’ll have to shorten up that rest period.

Tuesday (6/12)

Rest. 🙂

Wednesday (6/13)

  1. Three rounds:
    1. 1 Turkish Get-up (53# KB)
    2. 2 Pull-ups
    3. 2 Turkish Get-ups (53# KB)
    4. 4 Pull-ups
    5. 3 Turkish Get-ups (53# KB)
    6. 6 Pull-ups
    7. Rest 90 seconds
  2. 20 rounds: 5 KB Swings (70# KB) every 30 seconds (10 minutes total)

This was really good, but when do I ever say anything different?  (Wait until Friday’s workout…).  It just felt really long.  Doing the strength stuff first then chasing it with ten minutes of swings was good, but long.  It did enable me to focus on quality reps, though, being explosive and staying fresh.

Thursday (6/14)


Friday (6/15)

Four rounds with double 53# KB’s:

  1. 1 Olympic
  2. 3 KB swings
  3. 2 Olympics
  4. 3 KB swings
  5. 3 Olympics
  6. 3 KB swings
  7. 4 Olympics
  8. 3 KB swings
  9. Rest 2 minutes

Okay, I won’t lie to you: this was hard.  But again, it was good.  My pulse was racing at the end and it took about 14 minutes altogether.  I was really pleased and glad to get it in before my family and I went for a hike with some friends.

It was basically the same workout I did a week prior with my buddies, but I didn’t get the luxury of waiting for them to complete their reps.  Oh yeah, and I was swinging two 53# bells rather than one 70# bell. So it was harder than last week.  Loved it, and will do it again sometime.

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