Having posted my workouts for most of the last year for your review and consumption, you may have noticed some patterns. Many of the workouts I do are variations on the same things. So, I figured I’d just give you my top fifteen workouts around which I base most of what I do. This is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully you’ll find it helpful. In the coming weeks, I’m going to offer you installment of my favorite workouts along with some explanation as to how I do them, and maybe even give some suggestions as to how you may modify them for yourself.
It should be noted that these workouts are in keeping with my personal fitness goals which may be different from yours, so modify or tweak or disregard them altogether. And as always feel free to leave a comment or question below!
So let’s start our countdown with number 15 and work our way to number 1 in the weeks to come!
No. 15: The Double KB Front Squat
The Workout
6-minute Countdown: Double KB Front Squat – 6 Reps
How I Do It
I warm up with some jumping jacks and five minutes of Turkish Get-ups, alternating sides after every rep, using a 53# bell. Then for the actual workout I use two 53# KB’s and get after it!
What I call the “countdown” protocol is elsewhere called the top-of-the-minute protocol. Whatever you want to call it, it involves doing (in this case) six reps of the double KB front squat every minute, on the minute, for six minutes.
The double KB front squat involves first cleaning two KB’s. When they’re in the rack position, go into a full front squat. This is a fantastic compound movement that works the quads, glutes, hamstrings and requires a tight core. You’ll feel it in the lower back if you’re doing it correctly, since you’ll have to keep an arch in your lower back in order to prevent your back from curling forward while the bells pull you that direction.
This can also be coupled or super-setted with a pressing or pulling movement, like pushups, military presses, or pull-ups.
Check back next week for the second installment. What will check in at #14 in my countdown?