How to Run Faster Effortlessly

Are you a runner? Would you like to run faster without exerting more effort? Maybe you are a walker, or a non-mover? Well I have considered myself a runner for over twenty years now. Whether you walk or run for fun, for competition, or you just want to start getting moving, this little running tip is for you.

How to Run Faster Effortlessly |

I started using this trick twenty years ago. I had two seasons of cross country and one of track already under my belt. It was my senior year in track, and my main event was running the 1600. Back then we called the 1600-meter running event “the mile” (a true mile is 1609.344 meters); that’s what I’ll call it in this post.

I finished my junior year of track with a mile time around 6:30. When I started my senior year of track, my mile time hovered around 6:30; 6:32, 6:28. I just couldn’t break the 6:30 time.  I was running as fast as my short little legs would take me. I couldn’t make my time drop. My lungs were already working to capacity and wouldn’t let me drop any more time; I was already sucking in enough wind. Then one day I did this one trick and dropped 30 seconds effortlessly. I don’t even remember if anyone told me this tip; I just started doing it. Suddenly I ran a 6:04 mile. Then you wanna know what I ran my last mile of my running career?  I ran it in six minutes point one second. Six minutes POINT one second. 6:00.10.  Unreal.  My coach said he wanted to push his stop watch earlier but couldn’t. I came SO close to breaking 6:00 minutes.

Anyway, you are probably waiting for the trick.

So the trick?!? Drop your center of gravity ever so slightly. If you aren’t already implementing this trick in your running, it will shave some serious time off your mile or whatever distance you run/walk. When I dropped my center of gravity, my lungs weren’t working any harder. The tempo of my breathing didn’t change. I was able to run faster though. And those of you who know what it’s like dropping your time and trying to beat your PR (personal record) know that EVERY second is important and counts. So dropping 30 seconds was HUGE.

The Tip to Running Faster: Drop Your Center of Gravity |

Try it. If you don’t know your time, try running a mile how you normally would, and a few days or a week later (give yourself time to rest), run it again all the while thinking about lowering your center of gravity while you are running. It will force you to run more efficiently and length you your stride. It will feel a bit like you are squatting. Get that booty down. And your breathing intensity/tempo shouldn’t increase. You have to think about it though. You can’t just mindlessly run or you’ll forget to drop your center of gravity. Trust me. I seriously go years without thinking about running technique because I am just happy to be putting one foot in front of the other, and it’s a bonus if I am stroller-less. And a double bonus if I have a running partner!

Anyway, you may be able to shave more time off by driving your arms more, and keeping your arms close to your body, but right now we are talking about how to keep your breathing steady, not increasing the effort of your breathing, but instead lengthening your stride. The longer your stride, the further you go with one step, right?

Now my mile is like 10 minutes. I need to time myself again. My dreadmill treadmill won’t tell me true times anymore. I way prefer outdoor running, so I should go down to my old local track. I’ve just gotta do it. I started trying to reach my lifetime goal of running a sub-six minute mile when I was 32, but then I got pregnant again.  Then my mile during my 9th month of pregnancy was 15 minutes. You should have seen me wobbling down the road. I am sure I got lots of crazy looks. I just didn’t look back:). Now I am facing my late thirties. Maybe I should try that sub-six goal again, soon…I hate that I just wrote that. Now I am accountable. I should try to break an 8:30 first. Now down to the track!

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By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


    1. Hi Jill. Think about squatting when you run. To lower your center of gravity keep your bottom down when you run. Hope that helps!

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