Urge the President to Oppose New GMO Pesticide
Should the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) give its okay for a new pesticide, Enlist Duo, to be sprayed on our crops to prevent weeds from growing? Glyphosate (the main active ingredient which is already used in Round Up and kills gut bacteria) and the new “2, 4-D” (used in Agent Orange which was eventually banned by the EPA completely in 1985) are part of the mix of this new super pesticide. So why is the EPA considering this new pesticide?
Well, unfortunately the amount of super weeds that resist pesticides is rising, and the antibiotic effect is taking place. Bacteria that used to respond to antibiotics aren’t responding the way the previous did. Now we need super antibiotics to combat the ever-changing bacterias. In the same way bacteria evolves, the weeds keep morphing to resist the latest pesticide, and we need stronger and stronger pesticides to kill the weeds and keep the plants alive. The problem is the plants still carry those pesticides around. And those pesticides, over time, affect our bodies in many different ways.
Exposure to Enlist Duo has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Parkinson’s Disease, allergies, autism, asthma, auto immune disorders and more. A half million people, including a core group of doctors and scientist along with parents and concerned citizens, have already contacted the EPA with concerns over these lingering health issues.
According to Dr. Oz 70-80% foods we eat are GMOs in the United States that are doused with these pesticides. If you can believe it, 1.1 billion pounds of pesticides are already used in the United States each year. If this new pesticide is approved, an additional 70-170 million pounds of pesticides will be used.
The biggest pro that people have purported about the use of GMOs is that they allow us to grow more food and to grow it cheaply. According to Dr. Oz, this just hasn’t happened.
Dr. Oz took a stance in his September 22 show, and just shared a petition to get the president to oppose the EPA’s approval of the new pesticide.
Why sign? Do you have an interest in your health? In the way you function? Food affects the way we feel, whether we want to believe it or not. You eat too much sugar, you get a sugar high and then crash. Eat too much fast food, you get indigestion. These examples are rather simplified, and we can quickly see the short term affects of how food makes us feel in these instances. But in the long term, there are much more profound and stealthy affects as stated above with the different diseases and health issues when we continually ingest pesticides.
Interested in adding your name to the petition? You can sign the petition Dr. Oz instituted to demand President Obama to oppose the EPA’s approval of this new pesticide here. We need 100,000 signatures in order for the President to respond to this petition. We are getting closer. As of this post, we need 26,416 more signatures to reach the goal of 100,000 before October 22, 2014. It doesn’t take long at all. Just a minute.
Thank you for considering.
Hi Sonya, I hate to say it, but I doubt if anyone in the present administration will pay any attention. I’ve signed several of these petitions, and will sign this one also. Unfortunately, our government is no longer “We the People”, but Big Food, Big Agra, Big Banking, Big Business and lobbyists. Our politicians pander to them more than their constituents. I no longer consider myself a Republican or Democrat (I’ve voted both ways during my lifetime) but a Conservative who wants my representatives to abide by the Constitution to which they swore an oath. This is a sad and gloomy time in our history. Hopefully, we’ll get back on track, by prayer and the grace of God.
Hi Kathy. Thank you for signing it. I hate to think about following the money trail from Big “fill-in-the-blank” to the gov’t. Sad. You are right. We can pray, yes. We need God’s grace! Many blessings to you.