Quick Stocking Stuffer and Gift Hints

Thrifty Thinking Stockings and Gift Giving Ideas

I was recently at the Dollar Tree with one of my kids, and realized it was prime time to get stocking stuffers.  I collect  little trinkets through the year as inspiration strikes me. I’m sure many of you buy stocking stuffers through the year as well.  But where do you put them?  I’ll share with you my little secret…but don’t tell me kids!

After we pack away all of the Christmas decorations (usually) January 1, there is one set of items I keep out all year round. Instead of packing away the stockings at the end of the Holiday season, I stick them under my bed for quick access.  That way when I see something stocking-worthy, I buy it right then and there, come home, and immediately stick it in the respective stockings.

Thrifty Thinking

For some of you, hiding the stockings under your bed would be a horrible idea.  They would most certainly be discovered during your kids’ first game of hide and seek.  But I’m short, and my kids are a bit older, so if they are really looking for them, they can ruin their surprise. But for the most part I do trust them and just store the stockings under the bed.

So find an abandoned drawer or the top corner of a closet and throw the stockings there where you can easily access them.

I also do likwise with gifts for the family. I have a plastic storage bin in a closet stored inside the house.  In the bin I have a bag for each of my kids.  You guessed it!  As I see gift-worthy thoughtful items for each family member, I get them, and throw them in their respective bags. And when birthday time comes or Christmas rolls around, I’m not completely scrambling round.  A bag of goodies is waiting for them!

I believe this helps saves time and money because I am buying things as I go. I’m not making (or making less) special trips, and I’m getting items usually when they are on a pretty good deal.

How do you approach gift-giving?  How do you keep it all organized?  I’d love to hear your thoughts and any tips, trick, or hints you have.

By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!

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