Costco Grocery Price List Update

Costco Grocery Price List Update

So much has happened at Costco since I’ve last posted. I don’t think anyone going into 2020 even had an iota Costco, or life in general, would look like this. From the changing rules about when you can shop, to wearing masks, and limiting how many can come in; it’s been a ride. Plenty of people have said something like this, “I’m done with Costco if they are going to require masks.” Regardless whether I agree, I support Costco’s freedom to make policy changes. We want that in society. In general people need to think before they speak and not be so hasty to make sweeping generalizations, especially ones they end up backpedaling.

With all of that said, I’ve just updated the Costco Grocery Price List. There’s close to 160 different grocery prices listed. You can go here for the latest price update. I keep it on one designated page so there is no confusion. Over Christmas break I updated the Costco prices, and with the newborn, I never got out a post. So I just updated the Costco Prices AGAIN a few days ago, and now you can see the summer prices. I think I’m getting in a groove again…

Below I’m sharing some different foods I’ve found in the last few months.

My husband, Jonathan, stopped drinking Coke over 10 years ago, and that’s when I stopped buying soda since I didn’t drink it much anyway. He used to drink several cans a day. I only remember that because it was a big deal when he made the decision to drink only one Coke a day. It was monumental. And then after having our son, he decided to stop drinking soda completely for six months. 6 months became a year, and he never went back. Sparkling water became our jam and still is a decade later. Costco has sold sparkling water for a while now and it’s time to add it to my price list. Honestly we usually buy Kroger or Safeway brand since they are typically cheaper, but when we’re on the road and traveling, Costco’s Kirkland Signature Sparkling Water has been our road trip go-to. Sounds like an ad or something. Costco never pays me for this, btw…

I also added a few brands of hummus, cream cheese, sauerkraut, pumpkin seeds, monk fruit sweetener and more to the updated price list.

Speaking of drinks, besides the vanilla almond milk that Costco had been carrying, at our store they just added a plain almond milk. It is very reasonably priced at a less than a dollar a carton! They are also now carrying oat milk, which looks interesting. Anyone have experience with that?

On my last trip I found and purchased these organic Celery Sticks. They are cut, washed, and ready-to-go. Not bad at $2/lb.

If you ever see something that isn’t right, Costco is really good at listening. A few months ago the shelves were bare of the organic S&W Kidney Beans, yet there was lingering tag. They located them in their store and got a manager on it for me. Great service!

Something that I do need to pursue with them is there Kirkland Signature Chocolate Chips. What happened to the recipe??? They used to be dairy-free with only four ingredients. Now there’s more ingredients including dairy, unfortunate for those of us who relied on the former d-f chocolate chips. My friends gave me a heads up that Winco sells dairy-free chocolate chips in bulk, so I’m getting my chips there now. They even sell d-f mini chocolate chips.

I’ve NEVER seen Costco give an account to why certain prices may be rising, but there’s always a first. As quoted from the picture above, “Please note the price increases on Block and Shredded Cheese reflect the cost we are charged by our suppliers. Our profit margins have not increased. As costs subside we will lower prices accordingly.” Interesting to know…it makes me wonder what the profit margin is. I do want Costco to make money. Also, it sounds like it’s assuming that the prices will lower eventually. I hope it’s true.

All this to say if you are interested in seeing the updated Costco Grocery Price List, go here.

Costco Grocery Price List Update


By Sonja

Sonja is a lover of the Lord, family, and friends. She digs DIY (especially re-purposing), fancies fitness, foods (whole), & fellowship. She is a thrifty thinker and jives with jazz. “Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). Thanks for visiting!


  1. First of all, congratulations on your sweet little addition to the family!! I’m 11 years older than my youngest brother, and 9 years older than my second brother, but only 3 years older than the oldest brother. We were like two families in one. I kind of grew up like a second mom to the two youngest. About Costco prices, I noticed yesterday that there has been a lot of juggling of prices. Some are up and some are down. If you’ve priced any building materials, you’ll know that everything is crazy right now. I think I just read a 2×4 is $9-10 around here!! That’s ridiculous!! No home projects this year!! I live in Michigan and we’ve been locked down so much and pushed around that I think everyone is just going to explode. I’ll be glad when this “killer flu” is gone for good!!

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! I’m sure my two older girls feel very mother-like to my baby Since they are 14 and 12 years apart respectively.

      Building material prices are CRAZY now; you are right! We’ll all be glad when this is over, Lord willing sooner than later. Blessings!

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