Practical Stewardship When Food and Commerce Ideologies Clash

Is it ever necessary for Christians to boycott certain companies because of their ideologies or expressed political or religious interests?  Does the fact that Sonja does a Costco Quarterly update mean that she’s excited about Costco’s heavy Democratic leaning? (You ought not be surprised to know that we’re pretty conservative.)  I love Apple products, though… Continue reading Practical Stewardship When Food and Commerce Ideologies Clash

Grilled Pork with an Asian Sauce

Jonathan here with some Grilled Pork with an Asian Sauce. I’m not sure if I’m ripping a new hole in the universe in the process, but I’m actually doing a recipe post. Can you believe it?  Well, I love cooking pork. It’s generally less expensive than beef, more tender and harder to mess up.  (Who… Continue reading Grilled Pork with an Asian Sauce

My Four-Week Summer Program

Close Squats - Heels together!

In my last fitness post I promised that I’d give you my current program. It’s a program that should be relatively easy to scale for just about anyone. But hit it hard enough and you’ll enjoy some solid gains without (A) dreading your training sessions or (B) sabotaging your schedule! Well, with no further ado,… Continue reading My Four-Week Summer Program

Questions Worth Asking #6: Focus on Self

I’m starting to develop a love-hate relationship with this series. I love the reminders and the between-the-eyes nature of the questions. But I hate how they expose sin. Today I’m going to meddle a bit, but if you don’t like it, you can blame the Holy Club. Disclaimers aside, prepare to be skinned. Recommend on… Continue reading Questions Worth Asking #6: Focus on Self