My Workouts: March 19-23

Last week was another good week of exercise.  No one workout was too crazy, but they were all rewarding.  And another thing: no workout was more than ten minutes, either, and I felt fresh enough to work out every day (M-F).  Here’s what I did: Monday

Kettlebell snatches (53# KB) for seven minutes.  I did ten reps per side every minute on the minute for ten minutes, with the exception of the last minute, when I only managed five reps with the left.  I totaled 135 reps in seven minutes, which was five better than last week.  Yay.


Work out with the ladies, doing some pushups and pistol squat practice.  It looked like this:

Five rounds:

20 pushups

3 pistol squats – Left

3 pistol squats – Right


8 minutes of Turkish get-ups (53# KB), alternating Left and Right.

This felt fantastic. I love the TGU’s, and I was dripping sweat after only eight minutes.  I was focused on keeping everything tight and controlled, and they were eight of the best minutes of my day


Pull-ups: 10/8/6/6

KB Military Presses (53#): 5/4/3/3

KB Goblet Squats (53#): 10/8/6/6

Pushups: 20/16/12/12

To be clear, that means I did 10 pull-ups, then 5 presses, then 10 goblet squats, then 20 pushups, then 8 pull-ups, 4 presses, 8 goblet squats, etc.

That was it.  I wasn’t in a big hurry, but it was still short.  Since this was another strength workout, I was again focused on form and keeping everything tight.  My shoulders were pretty tired, but it was nice overall.  It freed me up to focus on a good, short MetCon workout with more KB snatches on Friday.


Kettlebell snatches (53# KB) for five minutes, ten reps per side, per minute.  100 total reps.

This was a strategic step “back,” as I cycle toward 200 reps in 10 minutes (e.g., see Monday’s workout above).  Maybe I’ll do another post later on the value of cycling, but this was a repeat of a workout I’ve done several times now for the big-picture purpose of strategic progression.

With that said, this is never a walk in the park.  I was cooked.  I was really glad I did the strength work on Thursday, because when the buzzer sounded, I was done for the day and for the week (after stretching my screaming hamstrings and lower back, of course).

Questions?  Fire away in the comments below!  Happy training!



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