Tea Cup or Mug Pin Cushion Tutorial

DIY Time It’s DIY Time again, where I post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be just plain fun!  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, re-purposed ideas, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like. Here is a super fast no-sew tutorial that… Continue reading Tea Cup or Mug Pin Cushion Tutorial

Sourdough Waffles, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free

Sourdough Waffles Out of all of the recipes I have made this year, this recipe wins first prize under the category, “Made the Most”, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.  I could eat these sourdough waffles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and never get tired of them. I think my family… Continue reading Sourdough Waffles, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free

“What Would Jesus Eat?” & Feeding the Family Semi-Monthly Menu Musings #6

Thinking ahead saves time.  Thinking ahead saves money.  Thinking ahead saves energy.  These are all good reasons why I am enjoying sharing our Loose Meal Planning.  Life doesn’t always allow me to think ahead as we travel along it’s vast trails, twists and turns, but I at least try to think ahead most of the… Continue reading “What Would Jesus Eat?” & Feeding the Family Semi-Monthly Menu Musings #6

Winco Quarterly: 100+ Bulk Prices Updated {4/3/13}

Welcome to the second edition of WinCo Quarterly, where every three months I list some select “Bulk Food Section” prices of healthier commonly consumed grocery items.  Unfortunately these prices are subject to change without notice, so these deals were valid Tuesday afternoon, 4/2/13, in the Marysville, WA area, and it will, at least, give you… Continue reading Winco Quarterly: 100+ Bulk Prices Updated {4/3/13}