Mason Jar Pin Cushion Tutorial

DIY Time It’s DIY Time again, where I post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be just plain fun!  Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, re-purposed ideas, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like. Mason jars are ever-growing in their popularity, and… Continue reading Mason Jar Pin Cushion Tutorial

Quinoa Black Bean Burgers, Egg-Free, G-F, Vegan

A few weeks ago I got a flyer in the mail from a local clinic with a recipe for Quinoa Black Bean Burgers which the clinic adapted from  The recipe was so intriguing, I had to make it right away!  I have made it at least four times since.  I adapted the recipe to… Continue reading Quinoa Black Bean Burgers, Egg-Free, G-F, Vegan

Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes

Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes Do you have an Easter menu? Well, if you are hosting, here is a little Easter recipe inspiration. This is a fun and unique Easter for us.  Not only do we get to celebrate Resurrection Sunday on Easter, but we also get to… Continue reading Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes