Healthified Pop Tart-Inspired Toaster Pastries For my Abbie-girl’s 6th birthday she wanted me to make her homemade Pop Tarts. I was excited to do so since I haven’t made them in months, although I only enjoyed the aesthetics of them this time. This is definitely a recipe I don’t keep on hand, but bake only… Continue reading Homemade & Healthified Pop Tart-Inspired Toaster Pastries
Feeding the Family Semi-Monthly Menu Musings #1
I am in love with the concept of thinking ahead. Thinking ahead saves time. Thinking ahead saves money. Thinking ahead saves my energy. I try to think ahead most of the time. “If I don’t plan, then I plan to fail”. The following are all possibilities for these next couple of weeks. With that said,… Continue reading Feeding the Family Semi-Monthly Menu Musings #1
Thrifty Thinking Ahead: Semi-Monthly Menu Planning
Thrifty Thinking I have never been much for a strict menu plan. For our family I don’t think that it is prudent, stewardship-wise, to adhere to a strict monthly or weekly meal plan. I like to be flexible to the amount of leftovers we have, and what’s on sale for the week. About once a… Continue reading Thrifty Thinking Ahead: Semi-Monthly Menu Planning
Grasshopper Pie, Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free
I haven’t had chocolate chip mint in a really long time, and I thought the flavor combination would make a great Grasshopper Pie. I adapted my Chocolate “Cheesecake” recipe to make a raw, dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free treat. When you look at the ingredients, they are so healthy that you might not think this is a dessert,… Continue reading Grasshopper Pie, Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free
Costco Quarterly: Natural & Organic Price List Update 130 + Items
GO HERE TO SEE THE MOST UPDATED COSTCO PRICE UPDATE PAGE. I am really excited to introduce, Costco Quarterly, a Natural & Organic Grocery Price list that will be updated every three months. I have researched and listed over 130 grocery items. Personally, I am excited to have this as a resource to access on… Continue reading Costco Quarterly: Natural & Organic Price List Update 130 + Items