Monday’s workout was a pretty good one. My goal was to do a strength workout, but still to maximize my work in the allotted time. So here’s what I did: Workout: 10 rounds (each round takes 2 minutes): 155# Front Squat – 2 reps Kettlebell Snatch – 4 reps left Kettlebell Snatch – 4 reps… Continue reading 20-Minute Workout: Front Squats, Kettlebell Snatches and Pistol Squats
Mango Berry Smoothie
The Mango Berry Smoothie is a refreshing healthy treat! Jonathan was looking through a recipe book this evening trying to find just the right smoothie recipe to no avail. Since we just went shopping that day, we had stocked a lot of fresh and frozen fruits. Here is Jonathan’s concoction. Immediately he said that this… Continue reading Mango Berry Smoothie
Bench Press and Weighted Pull-ups
On Friday, my buddy Garrett came over to work out. I had planned on a metcon workout, but was battling a head cold and was having breathing issues. We elected to do some strength work that wouldn’t require such frenetic breathing. Workout: Five rounds: 155# bench press – 5 reps 25# weighted pull-ups – 5… Continue reading Bench Press and Weighted Pull-ups
Pumpkin Bread Recipe in the Crock-Pot or Not
In the fall (or anytime of year) there is nothing like having a little pumpkin bread to greet you inside after coming in from a blustery day. And making pumpkin bread in the crock-pot is super easy! Slow Cooker Days This recipe was highly modified from the Banana Nut Bread recipe in Mrs. Field’s… Continue reading Pumpkin Bread Recipe in the Crock-Pot or Not
Repurposed Tights to Boys’ Underwear
Okay, this might be weird for some. You can think I’m weird, and that’s okay. I love to give new life to old, worn out items, items you mights deem TRASH. Yes, I did it. I made boys’ underwear (or unds as we call them in our house). I couldn’t resist after I saw this:… Continue reading Repurposed Tights to Boys’ Underwear