We come today to a workout that I’ve done probably ten times and never come away disappointed. It’s short and very demanding on the heart…and it’ll leave your gluts and quads sore the next day. Read on….
Mason Jar Pin Cushion Tutorial
DIY Time It’s DIY Time again, where I post something you can do yourself rather than buy, which is a money saver, and can be just plain fun! Some of these posts are crafts, sewing projects, re-purposed ideas, homemade cleaners, homemade health aids, tutorials, and the like. Mason jars are ever-growing in their popularity, and… Continue reading Mason Jar Pin Cushion Tutorial
Quinoa Black Bean Burgers, Egg-Free, G-F, Vegan
A few weeks ago I got a flyer in the mail from a local clinic with a recipe for Quinoa Black Bean Burgers which the clinic adapted from allrecipes.com. The recipe was so intriguing, I had to make it right away! I have made it at least four times since. I adapted the recipe to… Continue reading Quinoa Black Bean Burgers, Egg-Free, G-F, Vegan
Power Shakes-for the Heart & Soul
I thought if I just left the title Power Shakes you might think this is a recipe post. Then I thought if I titled this Power Shakes-for the Heart, you might still think this is a recipe post, or a post about how good Power Shakes are for the heart. Hence the title Power Shakes-for… Continue reading Power Shakes-for the Heart & Soul
Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes
Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes Do you have an Easter menu? Well, if you are hosting, here is a little Easter recipe inspiration. This is a fun and unique Easter for us. Not only do we get to celebrate Resurrection Sunday on Easter, but we also get to… Continue reading Easter with the Crock-pot: 12 Slow Cooker Recipes with 12 Bonus Recipes