Today I found on “Whole Living” e-mail, a division of Martha Stewart Living, some ideas on Recycling Christmas Cards and Wrapping Paper. I love the idea of using something I that is basically considered garbage in the sight of the world and turning it into something hip, cool, & usable. My favorite idea I want… Continue reading Recycling & Repurposing Part 1: Cards & Wrapping Paper
Easy Crock-Pot Turkey Soup Recipe
Have you ever made a soup from Thanksgiving leftovers? This easy peasy Crock-pot Turkey Soup is something that you can quickly throw together and then leave it to cook…for hours. This soup is especially nice if you’ve been on your feet all day on Thanksgiving! Slow Cooker Days I really do enjoy the fun… Continue reading Easy Crock-Pot Turkey Soup Recipe
Thrifty Thinking: Know When to Say “When”
There are a CRAZY amount of ads that bombard us, especially this year. We get inundated by the TV, Internet, radio, newspaper, and mail constantly, especially around Christmastime. There are too many deals to keep up with; it is overwhelming. You could spend hours and hours looking at ads and coupons because there is so… Continue reading Thrifty Thinking: Know When to Say “When”
“Daddy, what’s credit?”
So, this morning after breakfast, Ellie was sitting on my lap as Sonja read about Italy’s financial crisis. Ellie, who is six years old, asked me, “Daddy, what’s credit?” “This will be interesting,” I thought. The conversation went like this: “Well, have you ever heard Mommy or me talk about a credit card?” “Uh, yeah,… Continue reading “Daddy, what’s credit?”
Too Sore for an Olympic Lift? Try the Kettlebell!
After doing 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups and 315 squats in 20 minutes on Thanksgiving, I was pretty sore yesterday. And I knew I wanted to get in a good workout to take advantage of all the extra Calories I enjoyed on Thanksgiving. But by Friday evening I was really starting to feel it from Thursday.… Continue reading Too Sore for an Olympic Lift? Try the Kettlebell!